Sunday, November 29, 2009

Big Day of Skiing

Saturday was a big day of skiing. I woke up and went for an hour long skate ski just after breakfast, and it snowed! We got just around 2 centimeters of snow in the morning, and it greatly improved the trails. After lunch I hung out at the apartment and watched some cross country skiing sprints in Kuusamo, Finland. Then I went out for another skate ski, this time inspired by the race to go really fast. While I was skiing the athletes were preparing for a time trial that the coaches set up, later I did some filming of them coming up a hill. It was very dark and snowy so in the end, the movie was pretty useless. After dinner I went back to the apartment and did some homework and watched some Eurosport Live. I finally got to bed before midnight and was able to sleep the whole night. If you see anything on the blog that you like, feel free to comment on anything!

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